Internet Festival

Tin Men and The Telephone present their new album “World Domination volume 1: Furie”. The album is much more than a collection of songs and follows a story based on science fiction, a humorous and provocative look at our modern world seen through the lens of the “fake news”. “Furie” stands for Federal Union for Restoring Intergalactic Equilibrium, an alien peace force sent to Earth to intervene against the rise of populism and kidnap despotic world leaders. Music is a combination of acoustic jazz and futuristic electronic sounds, all composed around the speeches of various populist politicians. It is a return to activism and politics in jazz.
As a complement to the album, Tin Men has also launched an interactive website: http://tinmendo.com/furie/. Visitors can select world leaders to kidnap, suggest any leader that they might miss and listen to excerpts of Furie while they do it.
Tin men have made a name for themselves with their use of cutting-edge multimedia technology, as well as their unique interactive performances, in which the public
participates via their independent smartphone app Tinmendo. The public is invited to help aliens choose world leaders who deserve to be kidnapped and collectively compose a new world anthem to be performed on site by the band.
The Times described it in a 5-star review as “a 21st century concert in which the multimedia gadget and a sense of malice join together to create something fresh and unexpected.”


Location: Pisa, IT,
Show start: 10 Oct 2019, 10:00 PM,
Show duration: 90 min.