The Greatest Show – schoolconcert Almelo

Tin Men and the Telephone present the GREATEST show – Global Relocation of Evolved Apes Towards Exoplanet Suitable for Terraformation: a new immersive multimedia performance that combines improvised music, visuals, and audience participation via a smartphone app to address the very timely topic of climate change in a uniquely interactive, fun and thought-provoking way.

In the (very) near future, the climate crisis has escalated, and the time has come for humanity to leave planet Earth. A new, nearly inhabitable planet has been discovered, and you and your fellow audience members are the chosen few to find themselves on board a space ship heading towards this new home. However, your destination is currently far too cold for human life but have no fear! This problem should be resolved soon, as humans have proven to be excellent at heating up their environment. As you travel through space, you must collaborate to make a plan to warm up your new home and enjoy the live in-flight entertainment by Tin Men and the Telephone along the way.

13 Apr

Lift-off: Almelo, NL,
13 Apr 2021, 12:00 PM,
Flight duration: 45 min.
Check-in: 10 minutes prior to lift-off!


Tickets for this show can be purchased at: